Nodes are localized mining sources where Miners can gather Ore to be used in the Blacksmith Workshop to produce Metal which is needed for certain buildings and will be expanded on in the 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Extended Edition.
Nodes are dirty, so Cottages placed near Nodes can never be upgraded.
A Blacksmith Workshop placed next to a Node requires no resource management and will produce 2d4 x Worskhop Level x Connected Node x Max Smith level of Metal per day + 1 ore per level per node per day for the Village stores.
Example: You build your first Node. It is a level 1 node. You get 1d4 ore per day. You decide to put a Blacksmith Workshop next to the Node. You get 1 ore per day, but you don't have to give the Blacksmith any ore to produce metal each day.