Game Progression

800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Cozy Village RPG

Game Progression v .2

Create character, fill out initial Playbook slots.
Plan your Village, marking building foundations on your Village Map.
As you mark a building foundation, roll to clear - you get 1d4 x your build level of stone and 1d4 times your build level of wood for each lot you clear, which can give you much-needed building resources early. -1 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Action Points
When you have enough resources to build level 1 of a building, and the building foundation has already been marked, you can build that building. -1 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Action Points
Mark another building foundation, roll to clear -1 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Action Points
Build another building -1 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Action Points

That will be the basic daily flow until the 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Building Types/Well of Wonder is built.

I could do a Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. tutorial like thing, where I walk the person through character creation, then day 1, building the well and the caretaker's cottage, then day 2, gathering water, rolling for Visitors, cooking meat & vegetables into food, then day 3, clearing lots and building resource lots, etc.

Game play will be tracked day-by-day, referring to the Map and the Village Roster to determine resource rolls and amounts.

Shifting to 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Development/Cozy Village RPG 1/Playsheets & Guides/Quickstart Guide to develop this tutorial idea.

Game Progression v .1

Create character, fill out initial playbook slots.
Clear Village lot.
Build a Village building.
Tend to Visitors.
Recruit Villagers to run buildings.
Manage resources.

Game will progress day-by-day. To keep it simple, there is a 7-day week and 28-day month (inspired in part by Stardew Valley). Extended Edition will add an optional Season mechanic which will affect certain resources, such as herbs and vegetables, and require planning to store food for the winter.