Trixie Goldspark

*Trixie Goldspark is a gnome with purple hair with skills in tinkering and thievery, though she's not a thief, those are just useful skills for her work.

She wears black leather fingerless gloves.

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Known Allies

800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/Stalwart Friend - Her Construct companion.

Known Family

800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/Zana Garrick - Aunt. Renowned Tinkerer. Maker of Stalwart Friend.

Trixie was recently kicked out of 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/The Guild of Tinkerers and fired from her job as a Adjunct Professor at the 800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/University of Pichetope *so right now, she's looking for any work she can get using the skills she has. She was an adjunct professor of Bookbinding and Mapmaking.

What are those skills?

Bookbinding - not all books are magical, but only trained bookbinders can bind usable grimoires.
Mapmaking - not all maps are magical, but only trained mapmakers can make usable magical maps.

What's the work?

*Trixie runs Goldspark Recovery Service, specializing in recovering artifacts of significant historical and financial value from dungeons around the realm.

*Well, that's the dream anyway. Trixie's never actually been in a dungeon before and she hasn't technically had any clients, but she will!

800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/Goldspark Recovery Service

What is the world that Trixie Resides in?

800 Personal Development & Journaling/810 Hermit Gaming/Games in Play/Esteomund - Worldbuilding/+++Esteomund I am creating this world from scratch, as well as the rules for playing this character. I don't know that this will be a public game, I really just want to play with this character and see what I can come up with. If it does become a public game, that would be great, too!

What do I want from this game/character/world?

I want to have fun. I want to create a fun sandbox exploration mechanic that can be adapted for any world or character to play in.

I also want to use this as a mechanic for building worlds and generating characters to explore more in depth.

So I guess I want to develop a sort of fiction-writing solo game?